
Love Bites
Love Bites
Love Bites
A deadly love bite? The Mirror reports that a 17-year-old boy from Mexico City died after a hickey turned into a blood clot. The boy was sitting with his family when he started convulsing. Paramedics were not able to save him. Doctors later confirmed that the cause of death was related to the hickey he had received from his girlfriend, earlier in the evening...
Justin Bieber Kicked Out of Ancient Mayan Ruins
Justin Bieber Kicked Out of Ancient Mayan Ruins
Justin Bieber Kicked Out of Ancient Mayan Ruins
It looks like Justin Bieber is back to being his old, douchey self. The pop singer and his friends were reportedly kicked out of an ancient Mayan ruin site for some incredibly rude behavior.
Singer Experiences Mortifying Moment on Live TV
Singer Experiences Mortifying Moment on Live TV
Singer Experiences Mortifying Moment on Live TV
Ok, this has got to be the most embarrassing thing that could EVER happen to anyone.... well... a female! A Mexican singer was performing live on a morning show when the unthinkable happened and her lady liner fell from underneath her dress onto the floor...