Did You Miss The State Of The Union Speech? Here’s A Recap!
Did You Miss The State Of The Union Speech? Here’s A Recap!
Did You Miss The State Of The Union Speech? Here’s A Recap!
President Obama's 2011 State of the Union (titled "Winning the Future") focused heavily on all political parties working together -- Republican and Democrat congress members even watched in a mixed seating arrangement, rather than occupying separate sections of the House. Obama also announced his administration would move forward with health care reform, work on immigration law, build in
Naturally 7 Harmonize On A Paris Subway!
Naturally 7 Harmonize On A Paris Subway!
Naturally 7 Harmonize On A Paris Subway!
I'm officially obsessed!  This video of Naturally 7 on a subway in Paris will make you laugh and cry.  Okay, maybe just get goosebumps, but you have to check out the 'cough lady' at 2:12 ... too funny!! Click above to watch the video of their impromptu performance...
Weekend Box Office
Weekend Box Office
Weekend Box Office
Superheroes are still cool!  The Green Hornet is rocking the big screen with an impressive two week take of over $60 million bucks! However, the number one weekend draw goes to No Strings Attached featuring Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman, making a little over $20 mil...
Fight Fees (At The Bank) Forever!
Fight Fees (At The Bank) Forever!
Fight Fees (At The Bank) Forever!
What is the CARD Act and how will that affect you at the ATM or when you accidentally spend more than what you have in your account? The good news is that some fees have been waived altogether.  The bad news is that you may have to do some serious homework to make sure that you're not being overcharged for a simple debit transaction...

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