Most people agree that men and women should be equal in the workplace.  But when it comes to dating . . . different story.  The majority of people think the MAN should pay.

Here are four stats from a recent study on the subject . . .


1.  Most men and over half of women report that men are paying for all the dates . . . even after the couple's been together for a while.


2.  57% of women claim they offer to help pay, but most women secretly hope that men REJECT those offers.  And 44% of women are annoyed if men act like they EXPECT a contribution.


3. Two-thirds of men believe that women should help pay, and they're frustrated with women if they don't offer.  Nearly half of men say this is a deal-breaker.


4.  However . . . 76% of men feel GUILTY when they accept money from women.


(The takeaway for women . . . ALWAYS OFFER.  Men will love you for it, but they'll feel too guilty to accept your money.) 


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