Woah! Your phone may know you better than you think!

According to a new study, your phone may be able to tell if you're depressed, even better than a self-assessment can.

The Huffington Post reports that researchers also found spending a lot of time at home was also linked to depression, and that phone data could predict whether someone had symptoms of depression, with 87% accuracy.

The research was fairly brief but numbers break down like this: depressed people spend an average of 68 minutes on their phones each day, while people without depression only spent 17 minutes on their phones.

Researchers say the reason those who are depressed spend more time on their phones is because it allows them to avoid things they have to do, in short, it's a distraction.

Sounds to me being bored is linked to depression. I don't know about you, but when I'm busy I have very little time to get on my phone and play around, but when I'm bored, I can't put it down.

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