Would you use a dating website that is designed for "miserable people?"  DateMiserablePeople.com is sure hoping you are!  This new dating site is not holding back at all when it comes to categorizing it's clientele.  The goat of the website is to give a place for people to be "real" and not just line their dating profiles with a bunch of gobbledygook about loving walks on the beaches and always being positive.

The website isn't trying to actively recruit people who are depressed, instead they take the position that "Datemiserablepeople.com is a dating site for people that possibly feel intimidated by other big three known dating sites. It’s a place for people to come together and feel comfortable sharing their lifestyles, interest and concerns honestly."

The idea of honesty on a dating site is pretty cool, but whether it will truly become a "safe space" to be yourself, is still up in the air.  Personally, I think that branding itself as "Date Miserable People" might be a little off from the actual message they are trying to send to their patrons.

Would you use a site like this?  Let us know in the comments!

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