The Washington Post recently published an article that takes a look at what the apps on your phone say about you.  Purely based on the apps on your phone, this questionnaire can determine what your gender is, what your age is, and what your average yearly income is.

Curtis and Steve both took the quiz and this is what their apps had to say about them:

  • Curtis - "You are a single lady younger than 32 who makes more than $52,000/year.  You're either a single, twenty-something lady ... or you use your phone like one."
  • Steve - "You are a single guy younger than 32 who makes less than $52,000/year.  Either you're a single, twenty-something dude ... or you use your phone like one."

As it turns out, they predicted Steve kinda accurately.  He's 32-years-old so they got that correct, but he isn't single.  Curtis is definitely not a single twenty-something lady, but we all know that he uses his phone like one, so they got that right!

Take the quiz for yourself and let us know what it says about you!  Did they hit the nail on the head or did they get it completely wrong?

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