Have you ever had that moment at a job interview where you sat stone-faced because you had no idea how to answer one of the most difficult questions?

"Do you have any questions?"

Never say NO! Be prepared for this question because it will come up. So, how should you reply? Here are some ideas from U.S. News & World Report.

Can you describe a typical day for someone in this position?

This is a good one because not only does it give you something to ask, it will also give you a legitimate idea of what you're signing up for.

Could you talk about the history of this position?

You're basically doing your homework on how stable the job you're applying for is. Obviously if they tell you no one has held the job longer than a year, you may want to reconsider.

In what area could your team use some improvement?

This one gives you an opportunity to bring your skills front and center again, and it shows your interest.

Who are the most successful people in this company, and why?

Do you want to be hired and rise through the ranks? This will give you some information on how that is possible through other's success.

Do you have any reservations about me or my ability to perform this job?

This gives them the opportunity to express any concern they have about you. It also gives you the opportunity to put their minds at ease, and you can remind them you are the perfect person for the job.

Another way of asking the previous question...

What can I help to clarify that would make hiring me an easy decision?

There you have it. Good luck!

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