I'm convinced there's a button the bank presses when they receive your final car payment. What does this button do?

This button causes things to break on your car.

Okay, I'm starting to get conspiracy theory weird, but talk about a universal joke.

It's not that my car totally broke down, but all has been well with it since I bought it back in 2008. I took out a HORRIBLY long loan, which I will never do again. I finally sent in my final payment last week, and I noticed Wednesday that the check was processed.

YES! No more car payment! No more remnants of the terrible financial decisions I made in my 20s. Life is good!

Part of what I'm doing with the extra money in my account is taking courses at GRCC. So I pull into the college parking lot, put my window down, swipe my parking card, tried to put the window up, NOTHING. No worries, it's only 15 degrees outside.

The day after my final car payment processed, my power window motor goes funky.

Thankfully the window wasn't all the way down, and I was able to get it back up, and I've fixed power windows before, so I'm not going to sweat it. But really? Only one day of full ownership and the darn thing goes out.

I took this to Facebook today, and got a response thats making me really thankful.


Morale of the story? Knock on wood HARD after sending in your final car payment!

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